Kentucky “Horse Capital of the World” ? Not so fast my friend

The Kentucky state motto is Unbridled Spirit, borrowing the name of a popular Derby winner, Unbridled.  The signs sporting this slogan are graced with the profile of a horse’s head.  The back of the “Kentucky quarter” depicts a horse standing behind a board fence.  The Kentucky driver’s licenses have as a background white board fencing.  The exact type of fencing that, on many Kentucky farms, surrounds the state’s most recognizable residents, horses.  Horses and horse racing are signature industries in the state, and Kentucky is quick to use the horse to promote the state.

Large signs touting the Unbridled Spirit motto are posted at the entry points to Kentucky, welcoming all to the Commonwealth.  But, those entry points are also exit points, and many in the horse industry are viewing those signs in their rear view mirrors as they leave Kentucky for states with bigger racing purses and better breed incentive programs.  Those states have alternative gaming and have made the decision to support their horse industry by dedicating a portion of the gaming proceeds to raising purses and building strong state bred programs. Taking into consideration an inevitable technological development and new solutions, we will take a look at the online gambling sphere transformation.

Polls indicate over 80% of Kentucky residents desire an opportunity to vote on whether or not alternative gaming is right for the Commonwealth. Should the politicians in Frankfort continue to ignore the wishes of such a clear majority of their electorate, maybe the motto Unbridled Arrogance would fit well over the Capitol.

Written by: - January 7th, 2011

Posted in Horse Racing Partnerships
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