Charlie Sheen and Spendthrift Farm are Winning!


Advertisements on the Paulick Report website rarely catch my attention during my daily read, but last week a Spendthrift ad caught my eye. Spendthrift Farm’s ad displayed the phrases, “Winning” and “He’s Got Lion Blood” flashing, which immediately made me think of Charlie Sheen’s insane comments the past couple of months. It was “out of the norm”, so I had to know why they decided on the Charlie Sheen theme. I spoke with Jon Segall of PM Advertising about the ad, “We had the rare opportunity to create an eye catching ad based off of pop culture. We work in a very traditional industry, so it is a lot of fun having clients like Spendthrift who let us think outside the box.” In my opinion, it takes creativity and a great stallion to create a WINNING combination!

Huston Kennedy

Written by: - April 12th, 2011

Posted in Horse Racing Partnerships, Horse Racing Pictures
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